Welcome to Stamm Doodles! We are a family-owned kennel located in Northwest Ohio specializing in raising Labradoodles. We are experienced shippers and have puppies in different parts the USA (including Alaska), Canada, and Puerto Rico.
In the past we have raised several different breeds and have fallen in love with Labradoodles. They are top rated for families, make great service dogs, and are allergy friendly. This is important to us since some of our family members have allergies.
Welcome to our website, enjoy the puppies, and if you have questions, please let us know.

In our breeding program, we carefully look at genetics to determine color and size. We watch for health issues and temperament. We spend many hours playing with them, taking them for vet checks, and having them groomed. Each puppy and parent is important to us. We want only the best for our families.
Our three sizes of labradoodles:

50 - 65 lbs

30-45 lbs
15-25 lbs
We have found that many puppies are advertised as "mini's" but are actually small/medium size. Look at the size of the parents before you purchase a puppy expecting it to be mini. A mini poodle bred to a standard lab or labradoodle may produce a mini but the chances are greater that they will be medium in size.